HeyFriday.AI Can Help You With Writing Projects from SEO to Blogging

Tired of staring at a blank screen, stressed out about deadlines but without a creative thought in your head? No worries, that's one of the great use cases for the AI-Powered HeyFriday online writing service. Here's a demo and overview…

Content producers are all too familiar with writer's block, whether you're a student with a paper due tomorrow, a marketing intern expected to produce descriptive paragraphs about hundreds of client products, an SEO consultant who doesn't really know the segment well enough to identify the best keywords, or a romantic wanting to send a poem to your beau but are at a loss for words. Writing is both science and art, so even the most creative can have a slump, staring at that imminent deadline but without a single idea for a starting point.

Wouldn't it be great in those situations if you could just turn to an automated tool that could prime that creative pump and get the words flowing? We brainstorm with other people, why not brainstorm with artificial intelligence instead? That's the purpose of HeyFriday.AI, a remarkable online service that is built around a massive analysis of millions of documents, Web pages, and other online content.


The foundation of HeyFriday is something called GPT-3. GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a machine-learning language model created by OpenAI of San Francisco. Its learning model has over 170-billion parameters and was trained on large text datasets with hundreds of billions of words. Most importantly, it can produce remarkably accurate human-like text, from novellas to poems, humorous marketing copy to earnest essays.

What HeyFriday has done is made it really fun and easy to work with the GPT-3 system. No writing your own code or trying to figure out how to get it to all work together, they've done all the heavy lifting so you can just give the AI system a starting phrase and let it do all the work!

Let's look at a few examples! You can follow along at HeyFriday.ai if you want; you can get free access for a week with a new account signup.


Okay, for the first demo, let's have HeyFriday produce a blog post about tea and scones. A traditional English teatime pairing, if I was asked to write about it, I'd be stumped. I haven't had a scone in years! On HeyFriday all I have to do is choose "Blog Intro Paragraph", then specify I want it to use an inspirational tone, have "Celebrate Spring with Tea and Scones" as the title, and target mothers with the prose:


How did HeyFriday do? Here's its first try:

Mothers, rejoice! Spring is finally here, and with it comes the promise of warmer weather, sunny skies, and plenty of time spent outdoors. What could be more perfect than enjoying a cup of tea and a delicious scone on a bright, spring day?

I asked it to regenerate the prose to see how a second attempt might read. Here's the result:

Spring is a time for new beginnings, and there's no better way to celebrate the season than with a cup of tea and a scone. These sweet treats are the perfect way to welcome warmer weather and enjoy the company of loved ones. So gather your family and friends, and get ready to celebrate Spring with tea and scones!

That's pretty dang good for a robot and better than half the bloggers could produce without any AI assistance! Total time elapsed was less than 30 seconds...


Maybe you aren't a blogger but instead need to come up with wordy, search-engine friendly descriptions for some of the products your company sells online. The trick is that while everyone at work describes them the same way, using the same words, you really want your online prose to be unique and different from page to page. That's better for your customers and for your search results both.

Enter HeyFriday! This time I'll choose "Product Introduction" from their E-commerce suite of GPT-3 presets and enter the following information:


The results are most impressive because HeyFriday can extrapolate information and suggest prose that's beyond even anything I detailed in my starting prompt:

The UltraWiper 5000 is the world's best windshield wiper blade. It is durable and long-lasting, perfect for all cars and trucks. With its advanced design, the UltraWiper 5000 provides superior wiping performance, even in the harshest conditions.

A second try at the task produced this alternative prose:

The UltraWiper 5000 is the world's best windshield wiper blade. It is durable and long-lasting, perfect for all cars and trucks. It provides superior wiping performance in all weather conditions and is easy to install.

In both cases, that would indeed be solid copy to include on a product information Web page, and all written in just a few seconds instead of a half-day of struggling with the perfect adjectives.


One more example since this really is quite fun and darn impressive both: What about SEO? One of the common challenges for SEO is to come up with good title and meta descriptions for pages on a Web site. With hundreds of pages, it can be quite daunting. HeyFriday's got ya covered, however. Specify the tone desired, a brief description of services, the company name, and a keyword or two and it'll go to work!


The result is ready to paste into a Web page builder and update that home page:

① Title Tag: Lyons Valley Irrigation Service | Sprinkler Repair & Maintenance

② Meta Description: Lyons Valley Irrigation Service provides expert sprinkler repair and maintenance services to help you conserve water and keep your lawn looking great.

There are limits to what the AI engine can produce, of course, and I don't expect to be reading any compelling detective stories written by HeyFriday in the near future, but it is nonetheless a remarkable tool. If you're ever paralyzed by a blank screen and wish you could just have a starting point and some ideas, even if you end up going in a different direction, then this might just be your new favorite online service.

HeyFriday.ai is a subscription service but, as I mentioned earlier, you can sign up and use it for a week without paying a dime to see if it would help you in your daily work. It's definitely worth checking out!

Disclosure: HeyFriday sponsored the creation of this article and gave me an account for the purposes of testing and writing about the service. Thanks, HF!