Blog Template Use Cases

Friday supports the generation of marketing content for many industries and scenarios, enabling the marketing of brands and products. The following are several use cases:

Function 1: Outline

First, you need to conceive the theme of the tweet , choose the template: [Blog Idea and Outline], choose a tone that matches the theme, and then enter keywords related to the theme (for example: psychology, cooking, healing).

Use Case

Choose a Tone: Enthusiastic Keywords: psychology, cooking, healing

Idea: Healing the Mind in Cooking


  1. How cooking affects people's psychology
  2. Difficulties in cooking
  3. How to cook to heal the mind
  4. Conclusion

After using the write more command we got a few more ideas

  1. Cooking from a Psychological Perspective
  2. The psychological effects of cooking
  3. Culinary cures
  4. Results of Psychological Cooking Healing 5: Conclusion

Select a relatively high-quality outline from the content generated by AI, or you can edit and organize a new outline yourself.

Function 2: Generate an intro paragraph

Start the generation of the first paragraph of a blog or story. Use the template [Blog intro paragraph], select the tone that matches the theme, copy the theme of the official account generated in the previous step into β€˜Blog Title’ and then fill in the main audience of the official account (Ex: Office Worker/Depressed)

Use Case

Choose a Tone: Humorous Title: Let Cooking Heal the Soul Crowd: office workers

Some people say that cooking is an art. It can not only bring delicious food to people, but also bring spiritual comfort to people. In the spare time of busy work, cooking a delicious meal can make people feel warm and happy. Therefore, letting cooking heal the soul is something every office worker should do.

If you are not satisfied with the generated opening paragraph, feel that it is not clear enough or not specific enough, you can choose to expand and rewrite to revise the article.

After using the expansion function Some people say that cooking is an art. It can not only bring delicious food to people, but also bring spiritual comfort to people. Just as a good piece of music can make people feel good, delicious food can also make people feel good. Cooking is more of a way of life than just an art. In the spare time of busy work, cooking a delicious meal can make people feel warm and happy. Therefore, letting cooking heal the soul is something every office worker should do.

Function 3: Generate body paragraph

Generate several body paragraphs based on the outline sorted out in the previous step. Use the template of [Blog Section Writing], select a tone that matches the theme, copy one of the outlines and fill it in the text box of "Topic" (for example: Cooking from a psychological point of view), and then fill in what needs to be mentioned in the current paragraph Keywords (eg: cooking, healing, gastronomy, psychology)

Use Case 1

Choose a Tone: Persuasive Topic: Cooking from a Psychological Perspective Keywords: cooking, healing, gastronomy, psychology

Healing foods can make one's mind happy. Food can not only satisfy people's appetite, but also satisfy people's psychological needs. Cooking is an art that not only shows the deliciousness of the food , but also the artistry of the chef. Cooking isn't just for eating, it's also a form of communication. People express their emotions by making food. When making food, you need to consider the choice of ingredients, the combination, and the cooking process, all of which will affect the taste of the food. Expressing emotions through cooking can release emotions and bring happiness to others. There is a theory in psychology called "emotionalization", which means that people often inject their own emotions into the things they do. So, if you feel happy, excited, or calm while you cook, then the food you make carries those emotions too.

Use Case 2

Choose a Tone: Persuasive Topic: The Psychological Effects of Cooking Keywords: cooking, healing, gastronomy, psychology

Cooking is one of the oldest human behaviors, not just to satisfy food needs, but also a healing mental activity. According to research by psychologists, cooking can help people cope with stress, improve mood, enhance memory, and boost self-confidence. When we are under stress, we often turn to our family and friends for help. However, there are times when we don't get the help we want, and when we cook, we can help ourselves cope with stress. In the process, you can not only release stress, but also satisfy your appetite with food you create. And, when you see the food you've created yourself, you also feel very fulfilled. In addition, according to research by psychologists, cooking when you are in a bad mood can give you a big boost in mood. Because when you focus on cooking, it relaxes your brain, which in turn gives you some relief. So, next time you're feeling down, try cooking to unwind.

Feature 4: Generate SEO optimized title and description

Use the template of [Homepage SEO improver], select a tone that matches the theme, fill in the name of your company or product (or the name of the official account) in "Company Name/Product Name", and fill in the name of the official account article in "Theme" Title, fill in the key points related to the content of the official account article in "Keywords" (for example: cooking, healing, food, psychology)

Use Case

Choose a Tone: Persuasive Company Name/Product Name: Representative of AI Psychology Class Theme: Let Cooking Heal the Soul Keywords: cooking, healing, gastronomy, psychology

  1. Title: Product name: AI psychology class representative
  2. Brief description: Cooking heals the soul, let food be your psychiatrist. AI psychology class representative, let you heal yourself in the process of cooking.