Is this Article Written by a Human or a Bot?

Semrush reported that the global market for artificial intelligence will snowball in the coming years and could reach a $191 billionopen in new window market value by 2025. It is not surprising to know why startups use AI today for content creation. However, AI-generated content entails drawbacks, including getting restricted by Google.

Many factors determine whether an article will succeed or not. Content is paramount, and so is the title and the articleā€™s quality. It may not be easy to distinguish whether a human or a bot is behind it. With the rise of AI, it has become easier for bots to write content indistinguishable from what humans write.

In the age of Artificial Intelligence, how can you determine whether a human or a bot has written an article you are reading? This blog post will look at the tell-tale signs to discern the difference.

Is this Article Written by a Human or a Bot?

There are a few ways to determine whether a human or a bot writes an article. Here they are:

  1. Check the grammar.

Bots usually have poor grammar because they are programmed to produce a certain number of articles per day and donā€™t have time to edit their work. On the other hand, human writers generally take their time to make sure their writing is error-free. If youā€™re unsure of the quality of the grammar in an article, you can use a tool like Grammarly to help you out. It is an online grammar checker that helps you identify and fix mistakes in your writing. Itā€™s one of the most popular tools, and itā€™s trusted by millions of users worldwide.

  1. Check the content.

Bots are often programmed to produce articles that are full of keyword-rich contentopen in new window. They help websites rank higher in SERPs. On the other hand, human writers generally donā€™t focus on keyword density when writing their articles. Instead, they focus on providing valuable and engaging content for their readers. You can use a tool like SEMrush to check the content for keyword density. SEMrush helps you research keywords and track your websiteā€™s organic search traffic. It also has a feature that lets you see the density of keywords in an article.

  1. Check the sources.

Bots often copy and paste content from other websites into their articles, known as ā€œduplicate content.ā€open in new window On the other hand, professional human writers ensure that they donā€™t plagiarize content from other websites or risk getting penalized. Instead, they strive to create original pieces and use reputable sources to support their claims. You can use Copyscape to check for plagiarized content. You may enter a URL or upload a document, and it will show you all of the websites where that content appears online.

  1. Check the tone.

Bots often sound robotic and lifeless in their articles. They donā€™t use contractions, and they typically donā€™t add any personal touches to their writing. On the other hand, human writers often inject their personalities and emotionsopen in new window into their articles. They would write in a conversational style that sounds natural and share personal anecdotes and stories to engage their readers.


There are a few ways to determine whether a human or a bot wrote an article. By checking the grammar, content, sources, and tone, you can get a good idea of whether a human or a bot wrote an article.

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It understands how grammar works and helps guide you as you write so that your content always looks polished and professional. Simply provide some details about your content and let HeyFriday take it from there!


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