Tips for Content Generation

AI writing assistants are what they say they are, assistants. Giving the machine the right instructions is vital to getting the results you want. We highly recommend being experiemental with Friday AI, playing around with will get you more familiar with how it works and get you results you want. Here are a couple common do's and don'ts when it comes to using Friday AI


Use the right template: With over 40 templates, each one has a mind of its own and when choosing a template make sure it aligns with your desired content. Templates that are for ADs are going to be naturally written in a more 'sales' voice while the Creative Story and Blog templates are written in a more casual 'reader-friendly' tone.


Be unintentionally vague: If you know the direction you want Friday AI to write in, give it more informaiton! The more information you can give Friday, the more precise your result will be. For example, using the Blog Section Writing template saying something like "History of Cuba" might get you a very general overview of Cuba but if you say "History of Soviet realtions with Cuba surrounding the Cold War" you will get a much more specific history.


Feed the Snake its tail: When you get an output that has some parts you like and some that are irrelevant, take the section you like and put it back in as an input and have Friday generate again. Friday is good at understanding its own output so feeding things it has already created usually results in clearer more logical outputs.


Use Friday AI as a research tool: Friday AI's strong suit is creating language and logic flow, not doing internet research. A Google search will return much better results if you are trying to do research. It would be wise to first do research outside Friday AI, then use that research as an input to generate content.


Re-read everything Friday produces closely: Friday AI will rarely make grammatical or word usage errors but it can write in the wrong tone or include irrelevent facts to your case. Make sure Friday's output is consistent with your messaging both in tone and in content.


Use Friday AI to write potentially controversial content: Any content that would be considered inappropriate by your middle school teacher will not be produced by Friday AI. In most attempts, a warning about innapproraite content will pop up